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Formerly Gold Coast Chiropractic

Is it Lockjaw or Just Stress? (TMJD)

Is it Lockjaw or Just Stress? (TMJD)

is it LOCKJAW or just stress? (TMJD) 3 MINUTE READ TIME GOLD COAST BLOG Dr. Paul Fisher For those of you who are familiar with this, you already know exactly what Temporal Mandibular Joint Disorder is. But for those of you who aren’t, TMJD is an issue with the jaw,...
You Should Come to Gold Coast Chiropractic

You Should Come to Gold Coast Chiropractic

You Should Come to Gold Coast Chiropractic 2 MINUTE READ TIME GOLD COAST BLOG Dr. Paul Fisher Not to be a “pick me girl” but, why should you come see us? Here’s a breakdown as to why: We have a wonderful staff. We are at a very convenient location downtown in the Gold...
Arnold Chiari Malformations

Arnold Chiari Malformations

Arnold chiari mal-formation   3 MINUTE READ TIME GOLD COAST BLOG Dr. Paul Fisher Patients who suffer from Arnold Chiari Malformation can experience a wide range of different symptoms which makes it especially hard to diagnose the disease. This article will...
Restoring Your Body to Optimal Function

Restoring Your Body to Optimal Function

restoring your body to optimal function 4 MINUTE READ TIME GOLD COAST BLOG Dr. Paul Fisher Here at Gold Coast Chiropractic we see a lot of different people for different reasons, but it all comes down, at the end of the day, to getting your body back to its optimal...